Best Community Resources For Breastfeeding Support
By Cindy Puppos | July 25, 2018
Here’s a little insider secret that a lot of new moms don’t know: MOST mommas struggle with breastfeeding at some point in the journey. Even the most prepared moms can have a difficult time producing adequate milk, getting their baby to latch properly or keeping their little one awake long enough to eat.
The good thing about this news? You’re part of a vast #momtribe network. And we’re here to support that mom tribe by empowering you to tackle any breastfeeding obstacles head on.

The best way to do this?
- Get the tools: gather everything you need to successfully breastfeed including a breast pump, bottles and breast milk storage supplies.
- Know your resources: there are countless community organizations and online support groups to help, should you be faced with a breastfeeding challenge.
Have a nursing problem? Read on to find a solution that may help:
Lactation Consultants
A lactation consultant is your #1 go-to when it comes to dealing with breastfeeding issues. They are specially trained to teach women how to breastfeed and to help mothers with the wide range of issues affecting breastfeeding such as supply issues, painful nursing, lack of baby weight gain, etc.
We’ve worked with the pros at Lactation Link before and love their caring attitude, wealth of knowledge and FREE resources. You can also click here to find an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.

La Leche League
The La Leche League is an international organization that supports mothers’ breastfeeding efforts world-wide. Most importantly, they have free groups that meet to share breastfeeding strategies, challenges, and successes. They can even help you troubleshoot any breastfeeding issues you are experiencing. Click here to find the group nearest you.
Postpartum Doulas
Maybe you had a doula to help you with your birth plan. But did you know they can also help with postpartum care? A postpartum doula can help support breastfeeding, run errands, cook meals, and perform a myriad of other tasks that help keep mother and baby healthy and well-rested. Their role in supporting mother and baby can make a world of difference in breastfeeding success during those first critical weeks. DONA International is a great resource to aid in finding a doula in your area.
Online Pros
There are some incredibly helpful websites at your fingertips, which offer evidence-based breastfeeding support and strategies. From navigating your workplace’s breastfeeding policies to knowing how your milk changes as baby gets older, these sites all offer a wealth of info:
- KellyMom
- La Leche League
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health
- Dr. Sears
- World Health Organization (WHO)
Mom Forums
When in doubt, ask another mom! There are so many great opportunities to connect online with other breastfeeding moms. Whether you have general breastfeeding questions that you’d like to ask or you would like to join a group of other mothers based on due dates, you’ll find the perfect group on one of these sites:

Social Groups
Check out Facebook Groups and Meetup. Both of these channels allow moms to network online and offline. Have a late night breastfeeding question? Post away. Need a reason to put on real-person clothes? Ask some fellow moms to join you for a stroller walk in the park.
The most important thing to remember? You aren’t alone. Every one of these resources exist because other mothers have been there and done that. You’ve got a tribe and we want you to know that 1 Natural Way wants to be a part of it.

About the Author
Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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