Winter Dressing
By Cindy Puppos | January 07, 2019
A Guide to Breastfeeding-Friendly Winter Clothing
Breastfeeding in the winter can be a challenge. Cold weather and the winter season have the potential to affect the body in ways that impact nursing, but numerous heavy layers can also affect how efficiently mom feeds baby. Is there a happy medium when it comes to comfortable, warm and versatile breastfeeding clothing for the winter? The answer is yes!
With the convenience of layers, breastfeeding mothers can stay as warm or cool as they need. This allows for momma to focus on baby in a comfortable, fuss-free environment. Here are some wintertime nursing mom must-haves:
Basics with a Twist
Not long ago, nursing clothing options for mothers included only bras, tank tops and loose fitting t-shirts. Breastfeeding involved taking care of multiple snaps and clasps on separate pieces and lifting up shirts. Not anymore, mommas!
On-trend fashions for breastfeeding moms provide chest support (in place of a bra), a discreet way to nurse, and best of all, comfort and warmth.
From henleys to tunics, hoodies to turtlenecks, long sleeves, tank tops and SO much more, nursing mothers have real options to choose from! These modified garments feature panels, slits, flaps, side access splits and layers that make breastfeeding during the wintertime more convenient for baby and easier for mom - while adding a layer of style no matter what the day holds.
Pants, Skirts and Dresses
Choose pants that allow you to be flexible...literally! We all know the acrobatic routine some little ones play while getting comfortable with a breastfeeding position or the movement they make while nursing. Don’t feel bad if you need to wear maternity pants for a while. It can take months for you to feel good in your pre-baby jeans. If you need some additional abdominal support after birth, consider a postpartum recovery garment.
Jeans or pants with a button and zipper may be uncomfortable when nursing or pumping for an extended time, so any pants with an elastic waistband or flexible waist is best. Yoga and athletic pants, leggings or lounge pants are a great alternative, especially when hanging out at home.
Longer skirts, layered with tights or leggings and boots or flats, are also a comfortable and warm option during the winter months. Dresses can be layered with leggings and a cardigan. Just look for dresses with hidden nursing panels, slits or a surplice neckline. You don’t want to have to pull your whole dress up when nursing or pumping while out and about. Awkward!
Top Layer
Staying comfortable, warm and stylish while nursing in the winter, all while keeping baby in mind, is about layers! Think ponchos, shawls, cardigans and draped scarves. These items are perfect for nursing since they provide ample, if not complete, coverage while nursing, along with maneuverability, ease of use (hidden buttons, snaps, zippers), length variability, warmth and, in most cases, a breathable material for baby. Keep an eye out for items that can be worn in more ways than one and can be utilized for more than one occasion.
From Head-to-Toe
It’s important for a breastfeeding mother to stay warm and comfortable while feeding in the winter. Remember to keep your body warm from head-to-toe...this means hats, hoodies, socks, slippers and shoes.
What better way to dress up an outfit or show your individuality, as a mother, than accessories? If you’re carrying your breast pump around with you, consider scoring a stylish tote to store it in!
Bracelets can remind mom which side baby last nursed on, while providing a nice outfit accompaniment. Necklaces can add a pop of color to mama’s outfit, while also serving as a distraction piece while your little one is nursing. (Just keep in mind, neither bracelet or necklace should make their way into the mouth of your child while he or she is being nursed, unless either item is indeed a teething piece!)
1 Natural Way offers a complete array of products and services to make moms more comfortable and confident throughout their pregnancy and breastfeeding journey. We provide mothers with name brand breast pumps, monthly breastfeeding supplies, maternity compression stockings and postpartum recovery garments, as well as expert and compassionate advice and top-notch customer service. Click here to start the qualification process and find out if you qualify for a breast pump at no cost to you.

About the Author
Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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