Luck Of The Irish Breast Milk Recipes
By Cindy Puppos | March 14, 2019
From the U.S. to Ireland, across the globe and back again, moms the world over will all agree that, especially in the beginning, the one question that will consume your mind is - “Am I producing enough milk for my baby?”
Unless you exclusively pump, it can be hard to gauge the amount of milk your baby is consuming, at least in terms of ounces. If you are concerned that you aren’t producing enough milk for your little one there are several ways you can give yourself peace of mind:
- Ensure baby is gaining a proper amount of weight. Although it is normal for babies to lose some weight immediately after birth, they should be back on track within a few weeks and gaining a certain amount of weight each week.
- Listen for the sound of swallowing during nursing sessions. This will let you now that your baby is actually eating and not just suckling.
- Pay attention to the amount of diapers you change each day as well. If your baby is eating enough, they should have at least six wet diapers a day and their stools will be a light yellow color with some lumps.

If you still have concerns about your baby’s intake, never hesitate to contact your doctor - your go-to source for all health concerns related to your child. If you have been assured by your pediatrician that your little one is healthy and gaining adequate weight, but you want to make sure your supply remains adequate, we have a few nutritional tips for you to keep in mind.
Breastfeeding is hard work and it’s essential that you consume enough calories for your body to nourish both you and your baby. With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, maybe the luck of the Irish will be on your side and not only give you some delicious recipes, but boost your supply as well.
Corned Beef and Cabbage
There’s probably no better-known Irish dish than corned beef and cabbage. The added bonus of this classic recipe is that the cabbage might very well help your supply.
Leafy greens have long been known to help produce breastmilk. Greens are loaded with vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium and folate.
Irish Stew
Not everyone has developed a taste for the more traditional dish of corned beef and cabbage. The ultimate comfort food, Irish Stew is a crowd-pleasing, hearty dish perfect for the chilly nights in March.
The magic supply-boosting ingredient in this recipe is carrots. Look at any list of foods to eat to help production and carrots will always be listed. They’re rich in Vitamin A which has been linked with an increased supply.
Although less well-known, colcannon is a traditional Irish recipe. There are several versions depending on the region of Ireland it originates from, but the base of any colcannon recipe is sweet potatoes, kale and pancetta.
This recipe has two supply boosting ingredients; a leafy green, kale, and sweet potatoes which are rich in Vitamin C, B-complex and magnesium. They’re also a good source of carbohydrates, which provide energy to help your body produce more milk. This recipe is the perfect savory side dish to serve with your St. Patrick’s Day festivities.
Nutrition can be an over-looked aspect of a healthy breastfeeding relationship. A well balanced diet will not only make you feel your best but will help your body nourish your baby with everything he or she needs to get the best start in life.

About the Author
Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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