How to Sterilize Breast Pump Parts
By Cindy Puppos | April 17, 2023
Every time you use your breast pump, you want to make sure the experience is safe, comfortable, and sanitary for both you and your baby. That's why it's important to know how to get it as clean as possible.
By establishing a thorough and consistent washing routine as early as possible, you can help set a healthy foundation for your little one. Yet, with so many components involved in a breast pump, you might not be sure where to start.
Today, we'll walk you through the steps required to sterilize breast pump parts to clear up any confusion and help you get started right away.
How Often Should You Clean Your Breast Pump?
Before we dive into the specific steps involved in cleaning breast pump equipment, let's take a step back. How frequently should you perform this step in the first place? When determining how often to sterilize breast pump parts, take a look at your feeding schedule.
Put simply, any breast pump part that comes into contact with your breast milk should be carefully cleaned after each use. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Breast shields
- Breast milk bottles
- Valves
- Membranes
- Connectors
- Bottle lids
This might seem like an extra step that you can skip, especially if you're a tired new mom who just wants to rest after pumping! However, it is important to remain diligent. By allowing your breast pump to go uncleaned, you could unknowingly create a breeding ground for icky germs and dangerous bacteria to inhabit.
Keep in mind that even if you boil your breast pump parts, it's not possible to technically sterilize them from home. However, you can get them super clean, and that's all that's necessary to keep the equipment sanitary and safe to use.
Thankfully, the cleaning process isn't too difficult or time-consuming. Let's look at the steps you need to follow.
Gather Your Cleaning Supplies
When you're ready to get started, you don't have to run out to the store and buy a ton of expensive cleaning equipment. While there are solutions marketed specifically for the pump cleaning process, you only need two basic elements to be effective:
- Liquid dishwashing soap
- Warm water
Chances are, you already have these supplies right underneath your kitchen sink! Liquid dish soap is a popular household cleaning agent and has many applications, including this one. Keep it close by so you'll always remember to perform this step each time you pump.
Wash Your Hands
Before you handle your breast pump and all of its parts, take the time to wash your hands with hand soap and warm water. You don't want to transfer any germs from your hands to the components.
Consult the Manual
It's important to know which parts you need to clean, how you need to clean them, and the best way to remove them from your breast pump. To find answers to all of these questions, consult your manual! This is the best way to get informative, accurate information on your exact model.
As you read, you may discover that you can place certain breast pump parts on the top rack of your dishwasher. If this is an option, use it. The hot water in your dishwasher will be more sanitary and germ-busting than anything you can achieve by hand-washing alone.
However, more delicate and intricate parts will be unfit for the dishwasher. Separate the parts once you've safely removed them, and fill the dishwasher first.
Rinse and Wash Each Part
Immediately after using and disassembling your breast pump, rinse all of the parts in cool water. This includes every component that came into contact with your breastmilk, including the ones on the list above.
Once you're done rinsing, go back and gently wash each individual part in the liquid dishwashing soap and warm water. Resist the urge to fly through this step and instead, spend some time at the sink. Try to scrub each piece completely, and then spend at least 10 to 15 seconds rinsing the piece in hot water.
Dry Thoroughly
This is a step that even the most well-meaning new parents can miss.
Your baby needs to feed around the clock, and you need access to your pump on a relatively frequent basis. As such, you might be tempted to hurry along the drying process. You may even reassemble your breast pump when the parts are still a little damp.
By doing so, you're creating the ideal environment for mold and mildew to develop. Parts such as your breast pump tubing are especially susceptible to this growth, which can have a negative effect on your baby's health. If mold spores form, they can be transmitted through the air inside the tube, going right into your breast milk.
On a normal basis, the tubing on your pump won't need to be cleaned, as it won't come into contact with your breast milk. If you wash it, remember to hang it to air dry before re-attaching it back onto your pump.
For all of your other parts, arrange them neatly on a clean towel or in a clean drying rack after rinsing them with hot water. Allow them to air dry completely before use. Hand towels can harbor and transmit germs and bacteria, so you do not need to scrub the parts yourself.
If you find that you regularly need access to your pump before all of the parts have dried, then you may want to consider investing in a second pump. You can check out all of our breast pump options and expert recommendations online! Once everything is dry, you can reassemble and use the pump again.
Follow These Steps to Sterilize Breast Pump Parts
As we mentioned, you can't completely sterilize breast pump parts at home. However, you can clean and sanitize them, and you should do so on a daily basis!
As long as you have liquid dishwashing soap and water, you're good to go. Remember that the drying process is equally important as the washing and rinsing part of the routine!
Looking for a new breast pump? Complete our online form to see if you qualify to receive a free one through your insurance! To learn more, set up an account or call us at (888) 977-2229.

About the Author
Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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