How to Get the Best Fit with Breast Shield Sizing

By Cindy Puppos | July 03, 2023

Best technique for sizing your breast shield.

If you've decided to breastfeed or offer breast milk to your baby, you want to make the experience as special as possible. This is the best way to nourish and bond with your little one in the first months of life.

For breastfeeding to be a comforting experience, it should be as painless and easy as possible.

You may have the latest breast pump. But if you are using the wrong breast shield size, it will affect the ease and quality of the pumping experience.

Many new moms do not realize that breast shields come in a variety of sizes. Finding the right size can be a bit tricky. We are here to help!

Here is a guide to getting the correct fitting breast shield.

How to get the best fit with breast shield sizing

Why Breast Shield Sizing Matters

Choosing the correct size breast pump flange is more than just a matter of comfort. It can also affect the ease and efficiency of pumping.

You want to make the most of your pumping sessions. If your breast shield is too small or too big it can affect the volume of the milk you are able to pump.

Why breast shield sizing matters

Even if you have been pumping for a while, you should know your breast shield size may need to be adjusted over time. Your pumping sessions could improve with a reevaluation and resizing.

You may discover that you need a different breast shield size for each breast. Keep in mind that breastfeeding should be pleasant and should not hurt.

Understanding how breast shields fit can help you choose the correct flange for your pumping needs.

What Is a Flange?

A breast flange or breast shield is a cone-shaped funnel. It fits over the areola, nipple, and breast.

When you have the right size flange, a seal forms between your breast and the silicone material. This creates a vacuum that allows you to pump and extract milk from your breast.

What is a flange?

Measuring Your Flange Size

The first step to getting the correct flange size is to stimulate the nipple. It should be erect as you measure for the best fit.

Using a tape measure or ruler, measure the width across or the diameter of the nipple in millimeters. Do not include the areola, the darker area around your nipple in your measurement.

You can base the flange size on the measurements you took. Your nipple size can change throughout your breastfeeding journey. Watch for any size changes or a change in your comfort level.

If you notice a difference, you may need to remeasure and change your breast shield. Remember that it is common to need varied sizes for each breast.

Once you have your measurements, add 2 to 4 mm to get the proper fit. If the pump manufacturer does not offer the exact size you need, choose the next closest size available.

  • For a measurement of 17mm, get a 21mm flange
  • For 20 mm, get a size 24mm
  • For 23mm, get a size 27mm
  • For 26mm, get a size 30mm
  • For 32mm, get a size 36mm

If you are replacing your breast shields, be sure to re-measure to confirm the correct size.

The Right Fit

The right fit
The wrong fit

Evaluate Your Breast Shield Size

The fit of the breast shield also depends on your breast tissue and your skin's elasticity. It is a good idea to check your current shield to confirm whether it is the right size.

Here is how you can check:

  • Center your nipple and hold the flange against your breast
  • Choose the breast pump setting for maximum comfort
  • Turn the vacuum up until it is slightly uncomfortable
  • Turn the suction down a notch

If you have the correct fit, your nipple will be centered in the tunnel and move freely throughout the pumping session.

Changing Your Breast Shield Size

It is a myth that breastfeeding your baby or pumping your milk should hurt. You may want to reevaluate your flange size if something does not feel right during the pumping process.

Some things to look for include:

  • Your nipple rubs the side of the flange and causes discomfort
  • Your areola is moving into the breast shield tunnel
  • White nipples or areola during or after pumping
  • Excessive redness during or after pumping
  • Your breasts are still full when you stop pumping
Changing your breast shield size

Milk Output

Milk output

If you have measured the correct size and are not having any pain, but still are not producing enough milk, there may be another issue. Try repositioning the shield or try going up or down a size to check for a better fit.

If pumping is not working out for you, see your doctor or enlist the help of a lactation specialist. There could be an issue with blocked ducts or another issue limiting milk flow.

Get the Right Breast Pump for Your Needs

Breast pumping should not be a painful or frustrating experience. Getting the correct breast shield size is critical for a pleasant pumping experience.

Take the time to measure for the correct size and watch for changes in your breast throughout your breastfeeding and pumping journey. The goal is to have an easy pumping experience to provide the nutrients your baby needs to be healthy and happy.

At 1 Natural Way, we can help you get a quality breast pump for your breastfeeding needs. We work directly with healthcare providers to get the breastfeeding essentials you need.

With most insurance plans, you pay $0 out of pocket. We are here to help!

Take a lookat what 1 Natural Way has to offer today.

Cindy Puppos

About the Author

Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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