Freebies And Discounts For New Moms
By Cindy Puppos | October 29, 2018
Having a baby is exciting, overwhelming, scary, thrilling, wonderful - and kind of expensive!
Between medical expenses and all the gear, your budget might feel like it’s about to explode. Which means it’s time to start figuring out what you need, what you want, what you can get for free(!!!), and what you can get at a discount.
With a little research and a lot of planning and prioritizing, you will have a plan in place to provide your little one with everything she will need. Here are our best budget friendly tips to help you save money!

Babies Eat Free
Sure, breastfeeding is definitely less expensive than buying formula. But, did you know you can get a breast pump at no cost to you through your insurance company?!? Yup. And, it’s a very simple process. Simply fill out our short qualification form so we can verify your insurance benefits to let you know which pumps and programs and available to you. Then pick out your pump. 1 Natural Way takes care of the rest.
Even if you plan to breastfeed, it is good to keep these samples in case of emergency situations or if you need to supplement breastmilk with formula. Formula companies will often send free samples or coupons, good for free formula, directly to your home.

Work The Registry
Many people create registries to let friends and family know exactly what they need for baby. Registries may be sent out with shower invitations or to out-of-town relatives and friends who cannot attend, but want to send their love to mom and baby.
It’s great if you get everything on your registry - but most of us don’t! The cool thing is that stores often give discounts on items left on the registry, if mom purchases them within a certain time frame. So, if you plan to buy those items anyway, you can save a lot by purchasing them directly from your registry.
Some of these discounts include (as of August 2018):
- Amazon - 10% discount (15% for Prime members)
- Target - 15% discount
- Pottery Barn 20% discount (excludes clearance items)
- buybuy Baby - 10% discount
Please note that every store/registry has different rules about when these discounts apply, so it is important to research their time restrictions and mark your calendar so as not to miss your window of discounts.
Take Advantage of Freebies
We’ve already mentioned that 1 Natural Way can help you secure your breast pump at no out-of-pocket cost to you. But some insurance plans also cover our resupply program , ensuring you have all of the breast pump parts and storage bottles or bags you need throughout your breastfeeding journey.
1 Natural Way also offers postpartum recovery garments and compression stockings , which are covered (at least in part) by many insurance providers.
What else? Many retailers and brands now offer “welcome baby boxes” that are almost completely free and filled with samples and products of things new moms need, including tons of coupons.
Some of these retailers and brands are:
- Amazon (only for Prime members who have had over $10 of items purchased from their Amazon registry)
- Target (pick up at Guest Services)
- Honest Company (included with free trial only)
- Hey Milestone (must pay shipping)
- Enfamil

Buy Gently Used Items
There is a great big world of gently used items for babies out there that can save you loads of money. Start by asking seasoned mom friends and searching online for consignment sales in your area.
A good rule of thumb before attending a consignment sale is to make a list of all the large items you need for baby (swing, bathtub, bouncer, etc.) and price check before you go to see what you would pay if purchasing new from a retailer.
Another good strategy is to look for the large items first before heading to the clothes section. Large items are more expensive, so there is a greater opportunity to save when you buy these items used.
In some cities, there are often consignment sales every weekend in the spring and fall. Ask your seasoned mom friends which ones are best!
Other places to find gently used baby items are consignment stores geared toward babies and kids, as well as Facebook Marketplace.
Pay Only For What You Need
While there are a lot of adorable baby items out there, your baby does not need all of them to feel loved, healthy, and happy. Many experienced moms will tell you that they are a lot happier when they don’t sweat the small stuff -- this means not getting trapped in the “my baby needs the biggest, best, and shiniest things,” mindset.
Your baby just needs you.

About the Author
Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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