Using Breast Pump: Does the Time of Day Matter?

Using Breast Pump: Does the Time of Day Matter?

By Cindy Puppos | May 22, 2023

Using a breast pump and have questions about when exactly to pump? Read this guide to understand when is the best time of day to pump.

Breast pumping is a necessary chore that millions of women who choose breastfeeding will do at some point in their lives. And it can be overwhelming at first.

Although it can be tiring and time-consuming, moms choose breastfeeding for the immeasurable benefits for their babies. Pumping helps ensure your baby is getting the essential nutrients in breast milk, even when you aren't around to provide it.

Everyone's breastfeeding experience is different. You may wonder what's the right way or time of day to pump. We can help!

Here's what you need to know about when to breast pump.

Is There a Right Time of Day to Pump?

Typically, milk production is highest in the morning, and milk supply may decrease as the day goes on. Therefore, some breastfeeding experts suggest that pumping in the morning can be more effective for increasing milk supply. However, there are no hard and fast rules to follow when it comes to pumping breast milk. Although most women do produce more milk in the mornings, you must find the right schedule for you and your baby.

Some women may feel like they have more breast milk in the morning. But other women have a better supply at night.

Women's milk supplies vary. You will get the best results by finding out what works based on your routine.

If you plan on pumping on a regular basis, it helps to have your pump clean and ready to go at all times. You'll notice that your pumping sessions will produce different quantities and types of milk.

You can combine milk from your pumping sessions to fill bottles. You want a mix of low-fat and high-fat breast milk.

You can accomplish this by pumping for 5-10 minutes before and after breastfeeding your baby.

Pump When Baby Sleeps

If your schedule allows, try to pump when your baby is sleeping. For example, if your baby sleeps from 1 pm to 5 pm, try to pump around 4 pm for 15 minutes.

If your baby naps from 9 am to 12 pm, pump around 10:30 for 15 minutes. Use long naps as an opportunity to double pump for 12-15 minutes.

You may find you're more relaxed when your baby is sleeping and can achieve a higher yield of milk. This can be helpful and encouraging for a new mom with concerns about milk supply.

Pump While Baby Nurses

Another option for busy moms is to pump when the baby is nursing on one breast. You may find your baby nurses better on one particular side.

Pump from the side your baby will not be using. If this time works for you, it's a good way to accomplish both feeding and pumping at once.

Tips for Using a Breast Pump

Following a few steps before each pumping session can help ensure you're producing as much milk as possible. Remember to start by thoroughly washing your hands with soap and water.

Be as Relaxed as Possible

Whether you're at home or work, try to find a comfortable, quiet spot. Take some deep breaths, meditate, stretch, or listen to music. The goal is to relax your body and mind for a successful pump.

Encourage Let-Down

Don't try to pump without preparing your breast for pumping. A warm compress or gentle breast massage can prepare your breasts for let-down.

Cuddle Your Baby

Holding your baby close will help encourage let-down. If you're pumping away from home, try looking at photos of your baby, listening to a recording of their sounds, or smelling your baby's blanket or clothing. Simply thinking about your baby can help prepare your body for pumping.

Create a Better Seal

Some moms have trouble with the pump sealing around the nipple. You can moisten the flange before pumping to ensure a good seal and an easier pumping session.

Get Centered

A good seal is necessary for adequate pumping. Be sure to center the nipple in the middle of the flange. This will make pumping easier and more comfortable for you.

Prime the Breast Pump

Typically, electric breast pumps start with a letdown phase. Short, quick suctions that mimic the baby's initial suckling help stimulate letdown.

After a few minutes, as the milk begins to flow easier, the pump switches to regular mode.

Avoid Defaulting to the Highest Suction Level

Starting out on a low suction level and increasing it as the milk flows is best. Pumping should not be painful, and the highest level of suction does not always lead to more milk.

The Best Pumping Schedule

The best time to pump is when it works for you. It won't take long to figure out how long to pump and how much milk to pump.

Many women find they prefer mornings or nights for pumping. For many women, the milk supply is lowest in the late afternoon or early evening. This may be due to the stress and exhaustion of a long day at work or with your baby.

Try to determine what time of day your breasts feel the fullest. If you're away from home and unavailable for feeding, try pumping when you would ordinarily nurse.

Once your baby begins to spread out their feedings to once every four hours, you can try to pump between breastfeeding every two hours. This will help you build up your breast milk supply and store some away.

Buy the Best Pumping Products

If you choose to breastfeed your baby, you're making a wonderful choice that helps you bond with your baby and protect their health. Nothing can replace the goodness and nourishment of breast milk.

Although pumping isn't always a welcome task, using a breast pump is a necessity for most breastfeeding moms. Finding a pumping routine that works best for you and your baby will make the process easier and more enjoyable.

If you're looking for a quality breast pump and pumping supplies, 1 Natural Way has everything you need! We help moms get breast pumps, wellness benefits, and more through insurance.

Ready to buy a breast pump through insurance? Set up an account today or call (888) 977-2229. If you have any questions along the way, we are happy to help. We'll verify your insurance benefits, work with your doctor to obtain a prescription, and file your breast pump claim.

Cindy Puppos

About the Author

Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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