Best Breast Pump for Moms with Low Milk Supply
By Cindy Puppos | October 31, 2022
Investing in a quality breast pump can help you even if you have a low milk supply. Here's a quick guide to help you find the right pump for your specific situation.
Initially, three-quarters of new parents begin breastfeeding their infant. After six months, that number drops to 43%. One of the reasons a new parent might not breastfeed as often is a low breast milk supply.
A new breast pump can make a difference if you have been struggling with natural feedings. Improving breastfeeding can also save you between $1,200 and $1,500.
So, how can you determine which breast pump is ideal for low milk production? Natural and strong suction devices, including alternative settings, are crucial for improving milk production.
Luckily, we have compiled a list of three breast pumps that could benefit you. Keep reading and learn more about our top breast pump choices and how to get started today.
What Causes Low Breast Milk Production?
Around 10% to 15% of breastfeeding parents experience low breast milk production. It is important to distinguish low supply versus other factors, like a child's sudden growth.
Some simple ways you can detect whether you have low breast milk production is by checking a baby's weight gain regularly. You can also monitor for wet diapers and signs of dehydration.
Typically, breastfed babies will gain weight more quickly. As a parent, tracking weight helps you gain a better understanding of the health of your child. Here is a general guideline for weekly weight gain:
- 5 days to 4 months: 5-7 ounces
- 4 months to 6 months: 4-6 ounces
- 6 months to 1 year: 2-4 ounces
Some of the reasons you may have a lower-than-average milk supply are breast surgery, stress, medication, or smaller breast sizes. Even difficult births or recovery can make it challenging for a parent to deliver enough breastmilk.
Best Breast Pump for Low Milk Supply
The top two brands for improving your milk supply are Lansinoh and Spectra. These brands produce several top-end breast pumps that work well for a parent struggling with low supply. The similarities between these three brands are suction capabilities, versatility, and portability.
Using a breast pump can increase your milk supply in as little as three days if used between your baby's feedings. You might also find it beneficial to consult a lactation specialist if you are still struggling with producing enough natural breast milk.
1. Lansinoh Smartpump 2.0
One of the first pumps you should check out is the Lansinoh Smartpump 2.0, an electric breast pump device that also comes with Bluetooth capabilities. One of the key benefits of the Lansinoh Smartpump 2.0 is that it offers dual breast pumps to help new parents struggling with enough milk supply from one breast.
It also offers excellent suction and easy portability to take on the go. Here are some other characteristics that make the Lansinoh Smartpump 2.0 a great product:
- Backflow protection
- ComfortFit breast shields
- Lansinoh baby app
Lastly, despite all its gadgets and durability, it comes with an affordable price tag. To save even more money, Lansinoh breast pumps products may qualify for insurance coverage.
2. Spectra S1 Plus
The Spectra S1 Plus is another cost-friendly electric breast pump. Many experts compare it to medical grade devices without the high costs and closely mimics natural breastfeeding.
While some users find the Lansinoh pump a bit loud, the Spectra S1 Plus is known for its quiet motor. Some other key features include:
- Three-hour battery life
- 70 mmHg suction
- Backflow protection
- Massage mode
- LCD display
Another plus to the Spectra S1 Plus is it allows you to switch to the "let down" mode that simulates your baby's natural slow sucking behavior toward the end of a feeding session. This feature alone makes it a great choice to use between your feeding sessions, and it can also qualify for insurance coverage.
Why Is Breastmilk Beneficial?
There are several studies that show positive benefits for the child and mother when breastfeeding principles are used. Swapping to high-quality pumps can improve milk supply and encourage some of the positives of breastfeeding, such as:
- Lower risk for high blood pressure
- Lower risk for type 2 diabetes
- Lower risk for certain cancers
Babies also greatly benefit from breast milk. Experts found that infants have a lower risk for asthma, diabetes, and type 1 diabetes.
Find Your Next Breast Pump
The right breast pump can make a significant difference for your low milk supply. Lansinoh, Spectra, and Medela have powerful, efficient, and affordable breast pumps for parent's struggling with their milk.
In return, you can continue natural breastfeeding schedules while using the pump between feedings. Within a few days, you may start noticing changes in the amount of breast milk produced.
Ready to get started? Set up an account today or call us at (888) 977-2229 to learn more!

About the Author
Cindy Puppos is 1 Natural Way's Customer Service Manager, so she has a good idea of all the different and wonderful questions that moms have for her team. Thankfully, as the mother of two boys (who are now grown!) and a veteran of the company and breastfeeding, Cindy is always knowledgeable about breastfeeding, pumping and all the latest and greatest pumps!

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